Sunday, September 25, 2011

Time Travel?

On Saturday my mom showed me an article that really caught my attention. It is a National Geographic article entitled "Particles Moved Faster Than Speed of Light?" The main idea of the article is that a scientific team called OPERA shot particles called Neutrinos from Geneva Switzerland and measured how long it took the particles to reach Gran Sasso Italy. The particles ended up getting to their destination so quickly that OPERA believes that the particles traveled faster than the speed of light which is approximately 186,000 miles a second.  If the particles did travel faster than light it would open up the possibility of time travel and traveling to alternate parallel universes. Before any conclusions are made, there are going to be many other tests to try to back up OPERA's findings.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really see how this directly relates to time travel. As much as we might like to believe we know everything, there's still the possibility that a whole lot of stuff travels faster than the speed of light that we're not aware of, and that these subatomic particles are just some of the things that are able to. If that is the case, this might lead to scientists discovering other things that can also travel faster than light, or maybe it is time travel after all. Either way, this is a really cool experiment.
