Sunday, September 25, 2011


In American Studies class on Friday, Mr. Bolos presented the question how connected do you feel to the other people in the classroom? On first thought I would like to say that I do feel somewhat of a connection. I see my classmates everyday and that creates a more relaxed atmosphere. The neat thing about being in a class that is mainly discussion based is that you get to know more about people based on their comments and views on certain subjects. In this way you get to know someone better then in a math class for example, where people really only raise their hands when they have an answer to a problem.

This same scenario applies to everyday situations in life as well. I see the same people in the morning everyday when I wait for the train. At first everybody was very standoffish and didn't acknowledge each other. Now though, after a couple of weeks of seeing each other everyday, the people give each other friendly nods and make conversation while waiting for the train.

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