Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Price of Gas

I have heard people complaining about the prices of gas for a long time now. How gas is hovering around $4 a gallon and that is making it difficult for people to afford to drive their cars. I do agree that gas is expensive but it is a lot cheaper then other liquids that people spend their money on. Fiji water, for example, costs up to $4 a liter. Since there are over 3 liters in one gallon, you are paying triple the cost of gas. Then, of course, there is the ever-present Starbucks where one can easily spend $5 on a cup of coffee. Also when you consider that in the state of Illinois, there is a $0.57 tax on each gallon of gas, the gas companies are actually getting about $3.43 per gallon. I am not saying that gas is cheap, but I am saying that it is cheaper then a lot of things that Americans take for granted.

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