Monday, November 28, 2011

Is This Really in the Christmas Spirit?

This is a recent Best Buy commercial that completely goes against the spirit of Christmas. In the video the women beats Santa at present buying and hasn't left any room for Santa to leave his presents. In a way this goes represent the American value of competitiveness. Santa was too slow so a faster better gifted person took up his spot. The Christmas industry had evolved and Santa couldn't keep up, what a shame. We are surrounded by so many advertisements for all of the latest electronics that represent a fast paced world where things are only new for a few days because there is always something better. It's sad that the spirit of Christmas seems to be fading away as the magic of Santa is being bested by low-price electronics. Unfortunately, the Christmas magic has been fading for some time. It is now thought that children aren't learning the Christmas music that used to a staple of the holidays. This has got me thinking, why have larger corporations been able to commercialize cornerstones of society like Christmas? Is this commercialization unavoidable? Also are there other traditions that have started to lose their true meaning as corporations look for new ways to expand their business?

cropped with SnipSnip

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